We appreciate the sacrifice that our families make to provide their children with an education at St. Peter School and we take great care each year to grant assistance to K-8 families in need.
We understand that navigating the application process for tuition assistance and scholarships can be overwhelming. We are committed to making this process as straightforward and seamless as possible. If you have questions or need guidance, please feel welcome to contact us at 419-433-4640.



Method of Payment
We accept annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or a 10-month payment plan through Digital Academy.
Note: If you have children in preschool and K-8, tuition payments may be combined into one payment plan. An additional fee will be applied if payment is made using a credit card.
If you are interested in the latest tuition rates, registering your child or have any questions about the process, please contact the school office at 419-433-4640 or email

EdChoice Scholarship
In addition to the generous financial aid provided by St. Peter School, all current families with students in grades K-8 are eligible to apply for scholarships through the EdChoice Expansion Scholarship Program. The EdChoice Program is a state-funded scholarship opportunity granted to every K-12 student in the state of Ohio.
EdChoice income-based scholarship awards through the State will be based on each family’s size and related percentage of each family’s adjusted gross income (AGI) to the federal poverty level. Families whose AGI falls below 450% of the federal poverty level will be eligible to receive a full voucher award, and awards will gradually be decreased as AGI levels rise above that amount.
Please note that the State of Ohio, not St. Peter School, determines family size and verifies income. Therefore, St. Peter School cannot estimate or guarantee any award amount.